PCA II UNIVERSAL ADC INTERFACE - Old High Technology Devices

Saturday, March 15, 2008


This piggy back board is designed to interface the PCA II memory board to external standalone NIM-type ADCs. The program is designed to run on IBM XT, AT, series II model 30 and compatible 286 and 386 personel computers. The program is driven by the PCA II software package for data acquisition and data analysis.
The interface and memory board can support up to a 13 bit (8192 channel) ADC with a 24-bit deep histogram data memory. Memory cycle time is approximately 2 nseconds. Data and handshake signals are provided through a 37-pin connector. Cables are customized according to ADC.
In addition to pulse-height analysis mode, multi channel scaling mode is also supported. The MCS mode features:
• 10 MHz countrate
• Internal or external dwell
• 10nsecond minumum dwell time
• Internal or external synchronization
• Preset number of passes
note: See PCA II / universal data sheet for more information. Must specify the brand and model of ADC when ordering.