Wednesday, March 19, 2008


The PCA-II / MIS-II software allows multiple PCA-II cards to be operated from a single computer. PCA-II cards are installed in the computer as slots allow. Additional cards may be installed in a external bus expansion chassis. A total of 8 PCA-II can be operated from one computer.
The PCA-II cards operate independently or simultaneously. All cards may be viewed at the same time (unzoomed mode) or independently (zoomed mode).
Note 1: ROIs may be viewed on the multiple display screen, but must be set on the individual input screen display.
NOTE 2 : Must be used with an EGA or VGA graphics card and compatible color monitor.

Monday, March 17, 2008

DMR II (Digital Multiplexer/Router)

This hardware and software package allows interfacing from 1 to 16 multiple scintillation or spectroscopy stations to a single PCA or PCA II card. Counting times may be run independently or simultaneously . The DMR II hardware is available in both NIM and stand-alone units.
Features include
• Minimal crosstalk
• Minimal noise
• Seperate timers
• İndividual control
• Scintillation or alpha spectroscopy
Note: See DMR II data sheet for more information and complete specifications.

Saturday, March 15, 2008


This piggy back board is designed to interface the PCA II memory board to external standalone NIM-type ADCs. The program is designed to run on IBM XT, AT, series II model 30 and compatible 286 and 386 personel computers. The program is driven by the PCA II software package for data acquisition and data analysis.
The interface and memory board can support up to a 13 bit (8192 channel) ADC with a 24-bit deep histogram data memory. Memory cycle time is approximately 2 nseconds. Data and handshake signals are provided through a 37-pin connector. Cables are customized according to ADC.
In addition to pulse-height analysis mode, multi channel scaling mode is also supported. The MCS mode features:
• 10 MHz countrate
• Internal or external dwell
• 10nsecond minumum dwell time
• Internal or external synchronization
• Preset number of passes
note: See PCA II / universal data sheet for more information. Must specify the brand and model of ADC when ordering.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

PC PaintBrush Plus

PaintBrush is a sotware package developed by Z-soft corporation and distrubuted by the nucleus. The spectrum can then be edited using the various paintbrush tools. For example:
• Label spectra with text
• Select colors and patterns
• Zoom in or zoom out
• Cut and paste
• Print to any one of 74 printer or plotter types including laser writers and color printers.
Works in conjunction with IBM (XT, AT, series II model 30) or compatible personel computer.
Compatible with the nucleus’ PCA II hardware and software. The correct graphics and monitor must be used fort he PCA II product selected.
Note: Requires Mouse.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

PCA II Sentinel

This software license package consists of a decoder module which allows PCA II software operation without installation of a PCA II are accessible except acquire.

Note: requires PCA II software or PCA / PCA II software upgrade.

DSS 100

Digital spectrum stabilizer includes IBM- PC compatible board and software for use with PCA II. Provides total system stabilization of gain and zero drift.

Monday, March 10, 2008


An extensive gamma library data base containing 850 records and over 800 gamma lines of halflives and fractions. This software package installs in the PCA II batch processing program for quick look-up of by energy (KeV) or nuclide. The edit program included allows addition or deletion of entries.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

PC PaintBrush Plus

PaintBrush is a sotware package developed by Z-soft corporation and distrubuted by the nucleus. The spectrum can then be edited using the various paintbrush tools. For example:
• Label spectra with text
• Select colors and patterns
• Zoom in or zoom out
• Cut and paste
• Print to any one of 74 printer or plotter types including laser writers and color printers.
Works in conjunction with IBM (XT, AT, series II model 30) or compatible personel computer.
Compatible with the nucleus’ PCA II hardware and software. The correct graphics and monitor must be used fort he PCA II product selected.
Note: Requires Mouse.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Nucleus PCA II Software: KLM II

The PCA II/KLM II optional software producesKLM X-ray marker lines on the PCA-II display to aid in the identification of elements from 1 to 100 in x-ray spectra. The KLM marker software operates as an integral part of the PCA-II software with some special keys used especially for KLM.
The KLM markers are displayed as a series of verticfal lines which represent the correct energies. The height of the marker lines corresponds to the relative intensity of the various x-ray emissions for each element.
The element symbol and the atomic number are displaye don the screen. When the cursor is placed over the K,L or M marker , the line is identified and the energy of that line is displayed.

The KLM software is compatible with existing PCA II cards.
Note: Must be used with an EGA or VGA graphics card and compatible color monitor.