Sunday, July 13, 2008


Wall-mounted units for use at the boundaries of controlled areas and in subchangerooms. Also ideal for smaller radiation laboratories.

Preferred over portable instruments when the advantages of greater ease of reading, automatic background subtraction, bright displays, separate indication of alpha and beta, and unambiguous alarm indications are considered of particular importance.

· CM7 uses a 100 cm^2 gas flow detector.

· CM9 uses NE Scintillation Probes (see p14).

· Easy monitoring of clothing, tools etc.

· CM7 works with HFM7 for faster staff throughput.

Friday, July 11, 2008


Unique detector cum wall-mounted display offering a greater efficiency than xenon probes for iodine, betas and X-rays above 20keV. It operates with an usealed thin window which is both reliable and more transparent to low energy betas than a xenon probe. (Windows can be economically replaced on-site.)

· Dual measuring channels

· Ideal for medical/pharmaceutical applications.

· Uses CM9 with hand/clothing capabilities.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Approved for use in alpha plants, where glove damage could cause a hazardous release from the glove box. Utilises a large air-proportional counter to measure the full face of the hand with beter sensitivity and control than might be achieved by a hand held probe.

The rugged detector is insensitive to light, needs to counting gas and its construction gives both remarkable uniformity and ease of maintenance.

· Easy, digital set-up and calibration.

· Incorporates hand sensor for easy operation.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Robust, dependable instruments with the same general qualities as the HFM7, offering precise,sensitive performance , combined with fast and easy operation. The HM7 utilises four gas flow detectors whilst the HM9 employs scintillation. Both measure alpha and beta simultaneously.

Detectors are mounted vertically to avoid build-up of foreign matter on the Windows.

Monday, July 7, 2008


A fast, highly sensitive instrument detecting alpha and beta on each hand foot. Spring-loaded hand counters provide optimum sensitivity, while special sensors, easy operating procedure and clear displays ensure correct operation.

· Precise settings, using digital controls.

· Advanced data processing.

· Self monitoring to maintain peak operating performance.

Saturday, July 5, 2008


A new improved range of body monitors to detect small quantities of gamma radiation, either from typical reactor contaminants or from Special Nuclear Materials (according to software pack). Incorporates plastic scintillation detectors built into the two pillars, the foot ramp and lintel—also an advanced electronic controller.

· Includes 12 hr battery back-up.

· Includes 3/8 sinch (1cm) lead shielding.

Friday, July 4, 2008


Sensitive portal monitor for the earliest detection of betas within controlled zones. The unobutrsive detection system first measures the peak count response and then averages adjacent counts to improve sensitivity – whilst the occupant is stil walking through.

· Occupancy sensor triggers measurement

· Location of contamination displayed

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Rapid screening device for internal contamination of the lungs and digestive tract, giving immediate workforce reassurance without recourse to costly conventional whole body monitoring. The use of very large area detectors means that a single hot particle and diffuse layer of particulate can now be detected with equal clarity.

· Facilities detection of short lived isotops.

· Built-in computer analysis and logging system

· Optional extras include identity card reader and printer

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Top quality design for rapid all-over monitoring of surface beta contamination. Enjoys a well-deserved record of success in the UK, Europe, the Far East and- especially – the USA, owing to its unique combination of sensitivity, coverage and control for all body size.

IPM8 uses the technique of two stage body monitoring – to achieve good body avarage efficiency in accordance with the forthcoming IEC recommandations. Performance has recently been uprated and the latest optional extras include voice guidance and centralised data recording.

· Recently improved forearm detection, displays and body position sensors.

· Data analysis minmises false alarms and increase detection of comtamination.

· Fully supported by training, calibration sources, installation, services etc.

Monday, June 30, 2008


The result of our adventurous programme of research is a range of equipment of the highest reliability, sensivity and suitability for purpose—to match almost every type of radiation monitoring requirement where ionising radiations are encountered.

· Portable instruments:survey instruments for monitoring of gamma exposure, doserate to gammas / X-rays/betas/neutrons,surface contamination attributable to alpha,beta and gamma , and air concentrations of the radioactive gases (instrumnets complete with probes and reference sources as needed).

· Installed instrumentation : area and process monitors for gamma radiation, air particulate and release of materials and waste out of controlled areas.

· Personel monitors : for alpha, beta and gamma and fissionable material. Used variously at site exits, main changerooms , sub changerooms, temporary work areas and specialised laboratories.

· We also manufacture high stability reference dosemeters for calibrating radiation beams or other equipment.

· Also laboratory instruments including single and dual channel spectrometers for routine measurement and analysis of samples.

· Our recent new developments include new scintillation detectors, and new instruments for precision radiological dosimetry, personel monitoring, area surface monitoring and contamination monitoring.

Friday, June 27, 2008


Every day, like their customers, NE Technology routinely work with radioactive materials, practise radiation measurements and carry out safety monitoring.

· Ion chambers are calibrated for use in cancer treatment.

· Gamma sources are loaded into heavily shielded containers, for industrial applications.

· Instruments and probes are tested to high precision, treceable to National Physical Laboratory standards.

· Waste material is monitored for safe disposal, under the supervision of our Radiaion Protection Adviser.

· We practise area and personel monitoring, because safety and security are under the same legislation as for any other nuclear site.

This continuous hands-on experience ensures a full awareness of the finets points of good instrument design. It also explains why our detectors are designed and manufactured from raw materials, and tested in-house wherever possible—guaranteeing both high quality and consistent standards for our customers.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Every industrially developed nation makes use of ionising radition:

· Between %15 and %20 of the world’s electricity comes from nuclear energy.

· Much of the world’s equipment for cancer therapy and medical imaging relies upon radiation techniques.

· The qualities of steeli coal and oil-bearing rocks are routinely measures using radiation.

· Radiation has proved indispensable for improving agricultural programmes (such as controlling parasites and improving crop yields)

· Techniques employing radiation are daily increasing our knowledge in the Physical and Life Sciences.

In short, radiation has been harnessed in many ways to improve our quality of life.

But uncontrolled, radiation poses a threat to health. Therefore extremely high standards of safety must be followed whenever radioactive materials are used.

Of absolutely key importance here is the continuous monitoring of designated controlled aeras where radioactive materials are used.

This is achieved using special instruments which must be highly sensitive, reliable and always suitable for their purpose.

Monday, June 23, 2008


Although solar cells are known for their exacting role in space research, there are many other less publicised activities in which they meet equaly demanding needs. For example, recent concern over the energy stiuation has focussed much attention on solar cells. With over %40 of received solar energy being re-emitted without contributing to our energy resources, solar energy conversion for terrestrial uses seems a fruitful area of development. Solar cells can play a major part here without adverse effects on the environment, and with other energy sources increasing radiply in price, they become a truly economic alternative. For further information contact Mullard Ltd.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Mullard has been engaged in the development and manufacture of semiconductor infrared detectors since the late 1940s and is currently the largest manufacturer of these devices outside the U.S.A. detectors covering the spectrum from the near infrared to the milimetre region are available. Currently-available detectors include lead sulphide, indium antimonide (uncooled or cryogenically cooled), mercury cadmium telluride (thermoelectrically or cryogenically cooled), and pyroelectric types. Table 1 shows the range of Standard devices. In addition to these, more complex devices including arrays can be supplied custom-built. For further information, contact Mullard Limited.

The more important applications of infrared detectors include:

Thermal imaging imaring devices (military, industrial, medical),spectroscopic and radiometric instruments including gas analysers, process control equipment, hot axle box detectors, etc.

Fire alarm and flame proving systems, intruder detectors.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


– The most comprehensive lab manual for teaching nuclear science !

Since our inception we have been deeply involved in the educational aspect of nuclear science, and in recent times we have increased that commitment along with our growth. ‘’Laboratory Investigations In Nuclear Science’’ is a well documented prof of our concern in meeting the needs of the teachers and students of nuclear science by providing them with a most comprehensive detailed and up date lab manual.

This manual contains over 20 detailed experiments. These include simple GM tube experiments, comprehensive experiments alpha/beta/gamma spectroscopy , neutron activation, X-ray fluorescence, nuclear electronics , and even detection and analysis of Radon. In addition, the manual has detailed appendices on nuclide index, and X-ray critical absorption and emmission energies.

This is the most detailed and handly lab manual for nuclear science students in beginning to advanced college level students in beginning to advanced college level students and teachers. We are proud of it !

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Compact and sturdy, this desk top Multichannel Analyzer with sophisticated nicroprocessor control, 8192 channels, on board 100 Mhz ADC, and a large range of options is the most advanced analyzer of its class.

The spectrum 88 is designed to carefully share the work load between multiple processors, and real time computation may be performed to calculate gross and net areas, centroid energies, ROI activities, peak FWHM. Data may be outputted, recalled, and displayed without attecting ongoing mesurements.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


The detection and measurement of radon gas has attracted the attention of the EPA and health officials world wide, and now pose a major concern in many areas of US, Canada and some other parts of the world. With increasing awareness, the demand for reliable labs with EPA certified counting systems is likely to grow. Ever since Dr. Bernard Cohen of the University of Pittsburgh utilized our model 800 MCA for the counting of radon, the Nucleus has been a leading manufacturer of radon counting systems. Our PC based analyzer, and simple to use software, which corrects for moisture uptake by charcoal canisters and istope decay from time of sampling to measurement, also provides you with the option of printed reports to your customers. Our system is accurate meets EPA standards, and simple to use ! The Nucleus is the only company making calibration sources for both 4’’ EPA and 2^3/4 ‘’ diffusion barrier type canisters, and software for both types of canisters are available. Our new EN-26 A lead shield with its hinged split top will accommodate most types of canisters, and teh Nucleus system is capable of handling multiple detectors. Your business can start small and expand easily as demand increases.

No special skills are required to operate our systems, and we will train you at no additional charge. Call on us and we will gladly share with you our years of experience in Radon counting.

Friday, June 13, 2008


We are proud to announce that the Nucleus is now producing competitively priced calibrated sources are housed in arclylic plastic disks and are exempt from licensing.

In addition to the calibrated single istope sources we are now offering two multi gamma standards—the multi gamma Standard 1 (MGS-2). The MGS-1 consists of a mixture of three Europium radionuclides: Eu-152, Eu-154, Eu-155. These long lived sources are intended for determining photopeak efficiency as a function of energy in Germanium detectors. The MGS-2 is a mixed Standard source consisting of four radionuclides: Mn-54, Co-60, Sb-125 and Eu-155. This source also used for determining photopeak efficiency can be used beter for detectors with lesser resolution.

We also are taking some special orders to meet your specific needs in radionuclides. You can count on us for the most competitive prices and the highest quality in radionuclides.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


GDR-PC Nuclide identification software for Gamma Spectroscopy. Contains Automatic Peak Search including Multiplets, Standards Calibration, and Multi-Nuclide Library with Decay Correction.

PCA Radon Analysis software designed for use with the Personal Computer Analyzer and a NaI(TI) detector system to measure Radon collected in charcoal canisters. Provides corrections for exposure time, decay time, and moisture uptake.

PCA to PCA II Upgrade Soft upgrade to upgrade existing PCA cards to latest PCA-II software. Must supply model and serial number when ordering. (requires EGA or VGA graphics.)

PCA Software License PCA software and decoder box to allow software operation without PCA card installed.

PCA II Software License PCA software and decoder box to allow software operation without PCA card installed.(Requires EGA or VGA graphics.)

PCA Gamma Gamma library date base, contains 1418 records, search by KeV or nuclide, library editor program, installs in PCA-II function keypad.

Monday, June 9, 2008


The Nucleus PCA was the first plug in card to convert an IBM PC to a full feature multichannel analyzer. Following its introduction by Nucleus in 1984 this innovation revolutionized the nuclear spectroscopy market.

In keeping up with advances in microcomputers, and the diverse application of our PCA’s we have recently introduced the second generation of PCA cards – the PCA-II.

As its predecessor, the PCA-II has simple installation procedures and requires as little as a single slot in your computer. It has an onboard ADC memory, SCA, and can operate in the PHA and MCS mode. With its improved hardware and advanced interactive software the PCA-II is currently the leading PC based analyzer—and we intend to maintain that lead! Its high resolution interactive graphics, with easy to use pull down menu operation from the mouse or keyboard, bears testimony to our indepth research into its human engineering aspects.

With all the features of the PCA retained, the PCA-II has been further improved with a powerfull batch processing option to create and run your complex job tasks even from the DOS mode. It has advanced data manipulative ability and has the ability to data transfer in binary or Ascii mode, along with the capability or interfacing with lotus 123 , Dbase III ,Quattro an PC Paint.

Call or write to us and we will send you a free copy of our demo disk along with a detailed spec sheet and then you may see why the Nucleus sets the standards on PC based analyzers!!

Saturday, June 7, 2008


Cesium 134 and Cesium 137 contamination of foodstuff as a result of the Chernobyl incident is stil a major concern in many countries importing European produce.

Multichannel analyzers are excellent tools for performing low level contamination measurements as they eliminate much of the calibration and guesswork associated with single channel counting systems.

The Nucleus has adapted two of its products fort his specific application.

The low cost model 800A is now available as the model 800 AC containing special application software to compute the absolute cesium activity in Bacquerels. A smilar software application package is also available to run on PC’s in conjunction with the Personal Computer Analyzer.

We are now offering a Cs 134/Cs 137 mixed check source for energy calibration and ROI setting, and a callibrated liquid Cs 137 source for making a fixed geometry activity calibration Standard such as a Marinelli beaker.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


With the increase in Radon counting, more and more customers are asking us for a tube base assembly to hold a large Nal(TI) detector in a vertical position inside a lead shield. The TS-2 is a convenient way of solving this problem.

Actually , it’s the base plate and lower part of our WP-2000 assembly. It provides a simple way of holding your detector in your lead shield so that samples may be placed on the front face. Three meter cables are included so that the TS-2 may be located away from the analyzer.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


The detection and measurement of radon gas in homes has now become a major interest in the United States.many local health departments are distributing charcoal canisters to perform random sampling in their districts.

The Nucleus has been involved in this form of radon measurement since its inception. Intial systems supplied to Dr.Bernard Cohen at the University of Pittsburgh utilized our inexpensive Model 800 Multichannel Analyzer. We now offer complete single and multi-detector systems based on our popular Personal Computer Analyzer fort he IBM-PC or compatible.

Our new TC-2904R low background lead shield will accommodate most types of charcoal canisters and is of ring construction for dissasembly and transportation. Correction for moisture uptake of the exposed charcoal is taken into account with our Radon Application software. It also corrects for isotope decay from the time of sampling to measurement. This handy software package also produces a typed report of the Radon activity which may be mailed directly to the customer.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Now that we are seeing more PC and XT computers available with 8 card slots,we have decided to offer a system that will accommodate two PCA cards inside one computer.

The PCA-MBS (multiboard system ) consist of a priority board which also plugs into the computer, a special cable harness to connect two PCA cards, and the software package which allow independent operation of each of the PCA’s . If you have 4 card slots available,this system will convert your computer into two separate MCA’s.

Saturday, May 31, 2008


Even though we are big into multichannel analyzers,The Nucleus has recognized the need for a good general purpose single channel spectrometer. Up to now , these instruments have only worked with scintillation detectors and have been limited in their applicitaion.

The model 5000 is probably the first integrated single channel spectrometer that will operate with nearly every type of radiation detector. It includes a scintillation PMT input,a high quality bipolar amplifier and preamplifier power to allow connection to proportional counters,Si(Li) detectors,HpGe detectors and charged particle detectors.Even a GM counter may be used for operating in the gross counting mode.

The high voltage supply is adjustable from 0 to 3000 volts and feauters polarity selection. Both MHV and SHV outputs are provived because you never seem to have the right cable.

Of course, the model 5000 is run by a microprocessor but that’s only the beginning….

Friday, May 30, 2008


Other spectrum stabilizers operate on the principle of setting ‘’windows’’ on both sides of a peak and monitoring the difference in count rate. These complex instruments are difficult to set up accurately.

The DSS-100 works on a different principle. It takes advantage of the FWHM calculation feature of the PCA software . You simply set regions of interest over the one or two peaks being used for reference and the software periodically calculates the FWHM channels. If a difference is found indicating the peak DSS-100 adjusts the gain and zero offset of the ADC section of the PCA card to compensate.

The DSS-100 works with most types of detectors including NaI(TI) and HpGe.

The software with pug-in card allows slections of the periodic sampling rate of the FWHM channels and the amount of correction applied to the ADC.

When used with existing PCA cards, a small modificication is required to the PCA to allow connection of the DSS-100.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Over the years many of our customers have asked the question, ‘’how can I stabilize my spectrum against drifts caused by temperature changes,etc.? ‘’ The only way was to use complicated expensive modules. We knew this was not to ideal solution and innovation was necessary.

Another first for the nucleus ! The DSS-100 is a single card which plugs into an IBM-PC or compatible and provides complete system gain stabilization when used with the nucleus personal computer analyzer.

Monday, May 26, 2008


Up to now, our highly successful PCA card has created a memory limitation of 512k maximum when used with the Advanced Technology personal computers. This shortcoming was due to pca hardware limitations and memory map conflicts within the computer itself. Now we are pleased to announce the advanced technology personal computer analyzer designed exclusively fort he new AT machines.

Note: Because of the larger board size, the PCA-AT will not fit into a Standard PC or XT computer. Fort these machines the original PCA card is still your best choice,and they may be run with their maximum memory of 640 kb including EGA color graphics.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


For some time, we have received requests from our customers asking for the ability to interface our PCA cards with their external ADC’s. We are pleased to announce that we have that option ready for you. Our PCA-II Universal ADC interface card is designed to connect most commercially available analog to digital converters (ADC) to the PC based analyzers (PCA-II) using only a single slot in your computer.

This high performance, low cost unit is attachable to the Nucleus PCA-II card and is just the answer to those in need of the power of an external ADC along with the versatitility of our PCA-II analyzer software.

While the control, timer and memory of the PCA-II are retained, the Universal ADC interface can be used on a variety of commercially available ADC’s.


PCA-II/ Programmer’s Tool kit is a software package which allows the user to write custom MCA operations. The Toolkit contains numerous source code listings (mostly in ‘C’ language) that show how to do many fundamental aspects of writing MCA style programs. Some programming skills are required. Consists of a software disk and reference guide.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


The PCA-II / MIS-II software allows multiple PCA-II cards to be operated from a single computer. PCA-II cards are installed in the computer as slots allow. Additional cards may be installed in a external bus expansion chassis. A total of 8 PCA-II can be operated from one computer.
The PCA-II cards operate independently or simultaneously. All cards may be viewed at the same time (unzoomed mode) or independently (zoomed mode).
Note 1: ROIs may be viewed on the multiple display screen, but must be set on the individual input screen display.
NOTE 2 : Must be used with an EGA or VGA graphics card and compatible color monitor.

Monday, March 17, 2008

DMR II (Digital Multiplexer/Router)

This hardware and software package allows interfacing from 1 to 16 multiple scintillation or spectroscopy stations to a single PCA or PCA II card. Counting times may be run independently or simultaneously . The DMR II hardware is available in both NIM and stand-alone units.
Features include
• Minimal crosstalk
• Minimal noise
• Seperate timers
• İndividual control
• Scintillation or alpha spectroscopy
Note: See DMR II data sheet for more information and complete specifications.

Saturday, March 15, 2008


This piggy back board is designed to interface the PCA II memory board to external standalone NIM-type ADCs. The program is designed to run on IBM XT, AT, series II model 30 and compatible 286 and 386 personel computers. The program is driven by the PCA II software package for data acquisition and data analysis.
The interface and memory board can support up to a 13 bit (8192 channel) ADC with a 24-bit deep histogram data memory. Memory cycle time is approximately 2 nseconds. Data and handshake signals are provided through a 37-pin connector. Cables are customized according to ADC.
In addition to pulse-height analysis mode, multi channel scaling mode is also supported. The MCS mode features:
• 10 MHz countrate
• Internal or external dwell
• 10nsecond minumum dwell time
• Internal or external synchronization
• Preset number of passes
note: See PCA II / universal data sheet for more information. Must specify the brand and model of ADC when ordering.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

PC PaintBrush Plus

PaintBrush is a sotware package developed by Z-soft corporation and distrubuted by the nucleus. The spectrum can then be edited using the various paintbrush tools. For example:
• Label spectra with text
• Select colors and patterns
• Zoom in or zoom out
• Cut and paste
• Print to any one of 74 printer or plotter types including laser writers and color printers.
Works in conjunction with IBM (XT, AT, series II model 30) or compatible personel computer.
Compatible with the nucleus’ PCA II hardware and software. The correct graphics and monitor must be used fort he PCA II product selected.
Note: Requires Mouse.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

PCA II Sentinel

This software license package consists of a decoder module which allows PCA II software operation without installation of a PCA II are accessible except acquire.

Note: requires PCA II software or PCA / PCA II software upgrade.

DSS 100

Digital spectrum stabilizer includes IBM- PC compatible board and software for use with PCA II. Provides total system stabilization of gain and zero drift.

Monday, March 10, 2008


An extensive gamma library data base containing 850 records and over 800 gamma lines of halflives and fractions. This software package installs in the PCA II batch processing program for quick look-up of by energy (KeV) or nuclide. The edit program included allows addition or deletion of entries.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

PC PaintBrush Plus

PaintBrush is a sotware package developed by Z-soft corporation and distrubuted by the nucleus. The spectrum can then be edited using the various paintbrush tools. For example:
• Label spectra with text
• Select colors and patterns
• Zoom in or zoom out
• Cut and paste
• Print to any one of 74 printer or plotter types including laser writers and color printers.
Works in conjunction with IBM (XT, AT, series II model 30) or compatible personel computer.
Compatible with the nucleus’ PCA II hardware and software. The correct graphics and monitor must be used fort he PCA II product selected.
Note: Requires Mouse.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Nucleus PCA II Software: KLM II

The PCA II/KLM II optional software producesKLM X-ray marker lines on the PCA-II display to aid in the identification of elements from 1 to 100 in x-ray spectra. The KLM marker software operates as an integral part of the PCA-II software with some special keys used especially for KLM.
The KLM markers are displayed as a series of verticfal lines which represent the correct energies. The height of the marker lines corresponds to the relative intensity of the various x-ray emissions for each element.
The element symbol and the atomic number are displaye don the screen. When the cursor is placed over the K,L or M marker , the line is identified and the energy of that line is displayed.

The KLM software is compatible with existing PCA II cards.
Note: Must be used with an EGA or VGA graphics card and compatible color monitor.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Allows user of previous PCA versions to upgrade their software to contain the latest features of the PCA II package. Upgraded features include:

• Pull down menus
• Mouse or keyboard operation
• Keyboard selectable conversion gains from 256 to 8192 channels
• MCS with optional Mössbauer control
• Custom batch processing for creating custom job strings
• 3 point ROI end point averaging
• Mariscotti peak search
• Expand and split screen
• Ascii or binary output data format

Note: Must supply PCA model and serial number. Works with all versions of PCA, PCA-AT & PCA II

Nucleus PCA II Software: Radon II

The radon II software is a complete analysis package for calculating the amount of radon that has been collected in charcolal canisters. It provides the correctionfactors for three canister types presently used in the EPA’s RPM program.

Customers’ measurement data can output to a printer or disk file. The printer output consists of letter form containing all customer, acnister, and calculation data in a file that can be customized by the user. The disk file contains all of the above data in 33 lines of asc ii code.

A database is supplied and interfaces into the software. This will allow the user to complete the data in any reporting format for state and federal radon level regulations.

Note: Must be used with an EGA or VGA graphics card and compatible color monitor.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Nucleus PCA II Software: GDR PC

This software package contains programs which enable nuclide identification for gamma spestroscopy. It performs automatic qualitative and quantitaive analysis of gamma spectra from germanium and scillation detectors.

Automatic Functions

Peak search – including peak centroid, peak gross, background, and net counts, peak critical level

Peak identification and activity calculation.

Custom nuclide library with editor.

Calibration of: energy, resulation, efficiency(polynimial or exponential vcurve fitting)

This program is designed to run in conjunction with the PCA or PCA II cards and software in IBM XT,AT,series II model 30 or compatible 286 and 386 computers.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Multi-Detector Low Level Counting System

Who needs it?

You are interested in Tennelec because you want quality, reliability and performance. The choice of which system you need is then based upon the size of the sample, the number of samples and the minumum activity requirements. The latter dictates the counting time for each sample. If this time is in the order of 30 to 60 minutes, and many samples are to be processed , you should consider a multiple detector system.

The LB 4000 is expandable from 4 to 16 detectors. It counts and seperates alphas from betas in a single count (other system must count the sample twice to achieve this). It includes the new IBM system 2 model 30 computer with color monitor and printer. You can automatically execute your own programs at the termination of a count. And, above all else, it is a quality analytical instrument.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Low Level Counting Systems

If you are involved in low level alpha or beta counting, you need no introduction to Tennelec. Our systems are enermously popular throughout the world for one overwhelming reason – they count samples accurately and reliably. We offer a series of manuel and automatic systems for up to 2 inch diameter planchet samples utilizing either gas-flow proportional detectors.

The diversit of our product line grew as our customers needs grew and changed. The LB 4000 System is our newest low level counting system. It was designed at the request of our customers who could not find the quality and performance they expected in existing products.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Two 1 kV Supplies with Digital Displays

When we set out to design a new 1 kV power supply, we asked for everything and expected to compromise. Our engineers would have none of that. The TC 954 provides up to 1 kV and 100mA fully regulated. Precision calibration is guarenteed with a four digit display voltmeter built into the single width module. This same display will also monitor output current. Some of the other features packed into this unit include adjustable current limit with automatic shutdown, external control, and automatic ramp-up circuit. The TC 953 is even more outstanding because there are two totally independent 1 kV in a single-width NIM module. You can even run one positive and the other negative.

Monday, February 11, 2008

NIM Bin with Voltage Monitors

We make instruments better, not cheaper. This is reflected in our Standard TB3 NIM Bin which uses extruded aluminum construction, paralel wired power distribution and floating bin sockets. We now offer a Bin with an additional feature – voltage monitoring LEDs. The new TB4 gives added assurance by illuminating a gren LED on all active supply lines within regulated limits. The TB4 is the perfect mat efor the new TC 911 TURBO or our Standard TC 911 supply and it is even compatible with supplies from those other guys.

High Powered NIM Supply

427 Watts in a Compact Package

More and more of the high speed NIM instruments, particularly timing modules, exceed the NIM power standards. Previous NIM supplies designed to meet these demands were burdened with bulky heat sinks. Our new supply reduces this burden with an innovative forced air (turbo) cooling system which gave rise to its name – TC 911 TURBO. As you would expect from Tennelec, it is built tol ast and packed with features. The TC 911 TURBO includes +-6V, redundant circuit protection and optional remote power switching.

Time to Amplitude Converters

Ranges from 5 nsec to 3 msec

These new series of TACs are loaded with features. Time ranges are selected in conjuction with a twelve position rotary switch, x10 multiplier and a continously variable 0.5 to 1.5 multiplier. LEDs provide positive indication of pulse processing Built-in output delay and pulse width adjustments insure compatibility with any analog-to-digital converter. Three models are available – TC 862 TAC; TC 863 TAC/Single-Channel-Analyzer; TC 864 TAC/Biased Amplifier.

Friday, February 8, 2008

ER Series Extended Range Detectors

The extended range series promises to become the new Standard for germanium gamma detectors. It represents the best value fr dolar with an extended energy range of 10 keV to 10 MeV as compared to the 40 keV to 10 MeV range of the CP series. The ER Series is a rugged as the CP Series with a fully enclosed aluminum end-cap and offers the same neutron damage resistance as the CN Series.

All of this is possible because of technology breakthrough at Tennelec resulting in unprecedented yields of N-type material. We are prepared tos hare with you the fruits of our efforts in the form of a better detector at a better price.

CN Series N-Type Germanium Detectors

Certain applications require detectors with a wide energy range response in order to detect low energy gamma or X-rays as well as high energy gammas. The CN Series offers an effective energy range response of 3 keV to above 10 MeV. This compares to the CP Series energy response of 40 keV to 10 MeV. This improvement in response is made possible due to an aluminum end-cap with a beryllium entrance window on a detector constructed from N-type germanium material. An added bonus for these detectors is neutron damage resistance inherent to N-type germanium crystals.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

CP Series P-type Germanium Detectors

Spectroscopy grade gamma detectors produced from high-purity P-type germanium has become the defecto standart. The primary reason is because P-type material has historyically been produced with higher yields than N-type material thus offering a greater variety in selection and lower costs. The identifying characteristic of these detectors is an effective gamma energy response range of 40 keV to 10 MeV. These detectors are relatively rugged with a totally enclosed aluminum end-cap, can be temperature cycled, are readily available in a variety of efficiences and resolution categories, and are the most economical of the high-purity germanium series.

Uniline Cryostat Preamplifier

All of Tennelec’s high-purity germanium detectors contain state-of-the-art charge sensitive, cooled FET preamplifiers. The preamplifier and high-voltage fitler network are encapsulated in the Uniline cryostat shroud. A temperature sensing circuit monitors the detector element and protects against warm-up damage by disabling the high-voltage. LEDs provide indications for high temperature and high count rate conditions. An exclusive cable pack insures compatibility with other manufacturers amplifiers yet eliminates the need for seperate signal and test pulser cables when used with a Tennelec amplifier.