CHERNOBYL - Old High Technology Devices

Saturday, June 7, 2008


Cesium 134 and Cesium 137 contamination of foodstuff as a result of the Chernobyl incident is stil a major concern in many countries importing European produce.

Multichannel analyzers are excellent tools for performing low level contamination measurements as they eliminate much of the calibration and guesswork associated with single channel counting systems.

The Nucleus has adapted two of its products fort his specific application.

The low cost model 800A is now available as the model 800 AC containing special application software to compute the absolute cesium activity in Bacquerels. A smilar software application package is also available to run on PC’s in conjunction with the Personal Computer Analyzer.

We are now offering a Cs 134/Cs 137 mixed check source for energy calibration and ROI setting, and a callibrated liquid Cs 137 source for making a fixed geometry activity calibration Standard such as a Marinelli beaker.