Nucleus PCA II Software: KLM II
The PCA II/KLM II optional software producesKLM X-ray marker lines on the PCA-II display to aid in the identification of elements from 1 to 100 in x-ray spectra. The KLM marker software operates as an integral part of the PCA-II software with some special keys used especially for KLM.
The KLM markers are displayed as a series of verticfal lines which represent the correct energies. The height of the marker lines corresponds to the relative intensity of the various x-ray emissions for each element.
The element symbol and the atomic number are displaye don the screen. When the cursor is placed over the K,L or M marker , the line is identified and the energy of that line is displayed.
The KLM software is compatible with existing PCA II cards.
Note: Must be used with an EGA or VGA graphics card and compatible color monitor.
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