The result of our adventurous programme of research is a range of equipment of the highest reliability, sensivity and suitability for purpose—to match almost every type of radiation monitoring requirement where ionising radiations are encountered.
· Portable instruments:survey instruments for monitoring of gamma exposure, doserate to gammas / X-rays/betas/neutrons,surface contamination attributable to alpha,beta and gamma , and air concentrations of the radioactive gases (instrumnets complete with probes and reference sources as needed).
· Installed instrumentation : area and process monitors for gamma radiation, air particulate and release of materials and waste out of controlled areas.
· Personel monitors : for alpha, beta and gamma and fissionable material. Used variously at site exits, main changerooms , sub changerooms, temporary work areas and specialised laboratories.
· We also manufacture high stability reference dosemeters for calibrating radiation beams or other equipment.
· Also laboratory instruments including single and dual channel spectrometers for routine measurement and analysis of samples.
· Our recent new developments include new scintillation detectors, and new instruments for precision radiological dosimetry, personel monitoring, area surface monitoring and contamination monitoring.