Monday, June 30, 2008


The result of our adventurous programme of research is a range of equipment of the highest reliability, sensivity and suitability for purpose—to match almost every type of radiation monitoring requirement where ionising radiations are encountered.

· Portable instruments:survey instruments for monitoring of gamma exposure, doserate to gammas / X-rays/betas/neutrons,surface contamination attributable to alpha,beta and gamma , and air concentrations of the radioactive gases (instrumnets complete with probes and reference sources as needed).

· Installed instrumentation : area and process monitors for gamma radiation, air particulate and release of materials and waste out of controlled areas.

· Personel monitors : for alpha, beta and gamma and fissionable material. Used variously at site exits, main changerooms , sub changerooms, temporary work areas and specialised laboratories.

· We also manufacture high stability reference dosemeters for calibrating radiation beams or other equipment.

· Also laboratory instruments including single and dual channel spectrometers for routine measurement and analysis of samples.

· Our recent new developments include new scintillation detectors, and new instruments for precision radiological dosimetry, personel monitoring, area surface monitoring and contamination monitoring.

Friday, June 27, 2008


Every day, like their customers, NE Technology routinely work with radioactive materials, practise radiation measurements and carry out safety monitoring.

· Ion chambers are calibrated for use in cancer treatment.

· Gamma sources are loaded into heavily shielded containers, for industrial applications.

· Instruments and probes are tested to high precision, treceable to National Physical Laboratory standards.

· Waste material is monitored for safe disposal, under the supervision of our Radiaion Protection Adviser.

· We practise area and personel monitoring, because safety and security are under the same legislation as for any other nuclear site.

This continuous hands-on experience ensures a full awareness of the finets points of good instrument design. It also explains why our detectors are designed and manufactured from raw materials, and tested in-house wherever possible—guaranteeing both high quality and consistent standards for our customers.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Every industrially developed nation makes use of ionising radition:

· Between %15 and %20 of the world’s electricity comes from nuclear energy.

· Much of the world’s equipment for cancer therapy and medical imaging relies upon radiation techniques.

· The qualities of steeli coal and oil-bearing rocks are routinely measures using radiation.

· Radiation has proved indispensable for improving agricultural programmes (such as controlling parasites and improving crop yields)

· Techniques employing radiation are daily increasing our knowledge in the Physical and Life Sciences.

In short, radiation has been harnessed in many ways to improve our quality of life.

But uncontrolled, radiation poses a threat to health. Therefore extremely high standards of safety must be followed whenever radioactive materials are used.

Of absolutely key importance here is the continuous monitoring of designated controlled aeras where radioactive materials are used.

This is achieved using special instruments which must be highly sensitive, reliable and always suitable for their purpose.

Monday, June 23, 2008


Although solar cells are known for their exacting role in space research, there are many other less publicised activities in which they meet equaly demanding needs. For example, recent concern over the energy stiuation has focussed much attention on solar cells. With over %40 of received solar energy being re-emitted without contributing to our energy resources, solar energy conversion for terrestrial uses seems a fruitful area of development. Solar cells can play a major part here without adverse effects on the environment, and with other energy sources increasing radiply in price, they become a truly economic alternative. For further information contact Mullard Ltd.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Mullard has been engaged in the development and manufacture of semiconductor infrared detectors since the late 1940s and is currently the largest manufacturer of these devices outside the U.S.A. detectors covering the spectrum from the near infrared to the milimetre region are available. Currently-available detectors include lead sulphide, indium antimonide (uncooled or cryogenically cooled), mercury cadmium telluride (thermoelectrically or cryogenically cooled), and pyroelectric types. Table 1 shows the range of Standard devices. In addition to these, more complex devices including arrays can be supplied custom-built. For further information, contact Mullard Limited.

The more important applications of infrared detectors include:

Thermal imaging imaring devices (military, industrial, medical),spectroscopic and radiometric instruments including gas analysers, process control equipment, hot axle box detectors, etc.

Fire alarm and flame proving systems, intruder detectors.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


– The most comprehensive lab manual for teaching nuclear science !

Since our inception we have been deeply involved in the educational aspect of nuclear science, and in recent times we have increased that commitment along with our growth. ‘’Laboratory Investigations In Nuclear Science’’ is a well documented prof of our concern in meeting the needs of the teachers and students of nuclear science by providing them with a most comprehensive detailed and up date lab manual.

This manual contains over 20 detailed experiments. These include simple GM tube experiments, comprehensive experiments alpha/beta/gamma spectroscopy , neutron activation, X-ray fluorescence, nuclear electronics , and even detection and analysis of Radon. In addition, the manual has detailed appendices on nuclide index, and X-ray critical absorption and emmission energies.

This is the most detailed and handly lab manual for nuclear science students in beginning to advanced college level students in beginning to advanced college level students and teachers. We are proud of it !

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Compact and sturdy, this desk top Multichannel Analyzer with sophisticated nicroprocessor control, 8192 channels, on board 100 Mhz ADC, and a large range of options is the most advanced analyzer of its class.

The spectrum 88 is designed to carefully share the work load between multiple processors, and real time computation may be performed to calculate gross and net areas, centroid energies, ROI activities, peak FWHM. Data may be outputted, recalled, and displayed without attecting ongoing mesurements.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


The detection and measurement of radon gas has attracted the attention of the EPA and health officials world wide, and now pose a major concern in many areas of US, Canada and some other parts of the world. With increasing awareness, the demand for reliable labs with EPA certified counting systems is likely to grow. Ever since Dr. Bernard Cohen of the University of Pittsburgh utilized our model 800 MCA for the counting of radon, the Nucleus has been a leading manufacturer of radon counting systems. Our PC based analyzer, and simple to use software, which corrects for moisture uptake by charcoal canisters and istope decay from time of sampling to measurement, also provides you with the option of printed reports to your customers. Our system is accurate meets EPA standards, and simple to use ! The Nucleus is the only company making calibration sources for both 4’’ EPA and 2^3/4 ‘’ diffusion barrier type canisters, and software for both types of canisters are available. Our new EN-26 A lead shield with its hinged split top will accommodate most types of canisters, and teh Nucleus system is capable of handling multiple detectors. Your business can start small and expand easily as demand increases.

No special skills are required to operate our systems, and we will train you at no additional charge. Call on us and we will gladly share with you our years of experience in Radon counting.

Friday, June 13, 2008


We are proud to announce that the Nucleus is now producing competitively priced calibrated sources are housed in arclylic plastic disks and are exempt from licensing.

In addition to the calibrated single istope sources we are now offering two multi gamma standards—the multi gamma Standard 1 (MGS-2). The MGS-1 consists of a mixture of three Europium radionuclides: Eu-152, Eu-154, Eu-155. These long lived sources are intended for determining photopeak efficiency as a function of energy in Germanium detectors. The MGS-2 is a mixed Standard source consisting of four radionuclides: Mn-54, Co-60, Sb-125 and Eu-155. This source also used for determining photopeak efficiency can be used beter for detectors with lesser resolution.

We also are taking some special orders to meet your specific needs in radionuclides. You can count on us for the most competitive prices and the highest quality in radionuclides.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


GDR-PC Nuclide identification software for Gamma Spectroscopy. Contains Automatic Peak Search including Multiplets, Standards Calibration, and Multi-Nuclide Library with Decay Correction.

PCA Radon Analysis software designed for use with the Personal Computer Analyzer and a NaI(TI) detector system to measure Radon collected in charcoal canisters. Provides corrections for exposure time, decay time, and moisture uptake.

PCA to PCA II Upgrade Soft upgrade to upgrade existing PCA cards to latest PCA-II software. Must supply model and serial number when ordering. (requires EGA or VGA graphics.)

PCA Software License PCA software and decoder box to allow software operation without PCA card installed.

PCA II Software License PCA software and decoder box to allow software operation without PCA card installed.(Requires EGA or VGA graphics.)

PCA Gamma Gamma library date base, contains 1418 records, search by KeV or nuclide, library editor program, installs in PCA-II function keypad.

Monday, June 9, 2008


The Nucleus PCA was the first plug in card to convert an IBM PC to a full feature multichannel analyzer. Following its introduction by Nucleus in 1984 this innovation revolutionized the nuclear spectroscopy market.

In keeping up with advances in microcomputers, and the diverse application of our PCA’s we have recently introduced the second generation of PCA cards – the PCA-II.

As its predecessor, the PCA-II has simple installation procedures and requires as little as a single slot in your computer. It has an onboard ADC memory, SCA, and can operate in the PHA and MCS mode. With its improved hardware and advanced interactive software the PCA-II is currently the leading PC based analyzer—and we intend to maintain that lead! Its high resolution interactive graphics, with easy to use pull down menu operation from the mouse or keyboard, bears testimony to our indepth research into its human engineering aspects.

With all the features of the PCA retained, the PCA-II has been further improved with a powerfull batch processing option to create and run your complex job tasks even from the DOS mode. It has advanced data manipulative ability and has the ability to data transfer in binary or Ascii mode, along with the capability or interfacing with lotus 123 , Dbase III ,Quattro an PC Paint.

Call or write to us and we will send you a free copy of our demo disk along with a detailed spec sheet and then you may see why the Nucleus sets the standards on PC based analyzers!!

Saturday, June 7, 2008


Cesium 134 and Cesium 137 contamination of foodstuff as a result of the Chernobyl incident is stil a major concern in many countries importing European produce.

Multichannel analyzers are excellent tools for performing low level contamination measurements as they eliminate much of the calibration and guesswork associated with single channel counting systems.

The Nucleus has adapted two of its products fort his specific application.

The low cost model 800A is now available as the model 800 AC containing special application software to compute the absolute cesium activity in Bacquerels. A smilar software application package is also available to run on PC’s in conjunction with the Personal Computer Analyzer.

We are now offering a Cs 134/Cs 137 mixed check source for energy calibration and ROI setting, and a callibrated liquid Cs 137 source for making a fixed geometry activity calibration Standard such as a Marinelli beaker.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


With the increase in Radon counting, more and more customers are asking us for a tube base assembly to hold a large Nal(TI) detector in a vertical position inside a lead shield. The TS-2 is a convenient way of solving this problem.

Actually , it’s the base plate and lower part of our WP-2000 assembly. It provides a simple way of holding your detector in your lead shield so that samples may be placed on the front face. Three meter cables are included so that the TS-2 may be located away from the analyzer.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


The detection and measurement of radon gas in homes has now become a major interest in the United States.many local health departments are distributing charcoal canisters to perform random sampling in their districts.

The Nucleus has been involved in this form of radon measurement since its inception. Intial systems supplied to Dr.Bernard Cohen at the University of Pittsburgh utilized our inexpensive Model 800 Multichannel Analyzer. We now offer complete single and multi-detector systems based on our popular Personal Computer Analyzer fort he IBM-PC or compatible.

Our new TC-2904R low background lead shield will accommodate most types of charcoal canisters and is of ring construction for dissasembly and transportation. Correction for moisture uptake of the exposed charcoal is taken into account with our Radon Application software. It also corrects for isotope decay from the time of sampling to measurement. This handy software package also produces a typed report of the Radon activity which may be mailed directly to the customer.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Now that we are seeing more PC and XT computers available with 8 card slots,we have decided to offer a system that will accommodate two PCA cards inside one computer.

The PCA-MBS (multiboard system ) consist of a priority board which also plugs into the computer, a special cable harness to connect two PCA cards, and the software package which allow independent operation of each of the PCA’s . If you have 4 card slots available,this system will convert your computer into two separate MCA’s.