Even though we are big into multichannel analyzers,The Nucleus has recognized the need for a good general purpose single channel spectrometer. Up to now , these instruments have only worked with scintillation detectors and have been limited in their applicitaion.
The model 5000 is probably the first integrated single channel spectrometer that will operate with nearly every type of radiation detector. It includes a scintillation PMT input,a high quality bipolar amplifier and preamplifier power to allow connection to proportional counters,Si(Li) detectors,HpGe detectors and charged particle detectors.Even a GM counter may be used for operating in the gross counting mode.
The high voltage supply is adjustable from 0 to 3000 volts and feauters polarity selection. Both MHV and SHV outputs are provived because you never seem to have the right cable.
Of course, the model 5000 is run by a microprocessor but that’s only the beginning….