Saturday, May 31, 2008


Even though we are big into multichannel analyzers,The Nucleus has recognized the need for a good general purpose single channel spectrometer. Up to now , these instruments have only worked with scintillation detectors and have been limited in their applicitaion.

The model 5000 is probably the first integrated single channel spectrometer that will operate with nearly every type of radiation detector. It includes a scintillation PMT input,a high quality bipolar amplifier and preamplifier power to allow connection to proportional counters,Si(Li) detectors,HpGe detectors and charged particle detectors.Even a GM counter may be used for operating in the gross counting mode.

The high voltage supply is adjustable from 0 to 3000 volts and feauters polarity selection. Both MHV and SHV outputs are provived because you never seem to have the right cable.

Of course, the model 5000 is run by a microprocessor but that’s only the beginning….

Friday, May 30, 2008


Other spectrum stabilizers operate on the principle of setting ‘’windows’’ on both sides of a peak and monitoring the difference in count rate. These complex instruments are difficult to set up accurately.

The DSS-100 works on a different principle. It takes advantage of the FWHM calculation feature of the PCA software . You simply set regions of interest over the one or two peaks being used for reference and the software periodically calculates the FWHM channels. If a difference is found indicating the peak DSS-100 adjusts the gain and zero offset of the ADC section of the PCA card to compensate.

The DSS-100 works with most types of detectors including NaI(TI) and HpGe.

The software with pug-in card allows slections of the periodic sampling rate of the FWHM channels and the amount of correction applied to the ADC.

When used with existing PCA cards, a small modificication is required to the PCA to allow connection of the DSS-100.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Over the years many of our customers have asked the question, ‘’how can I stabilize my spectrum against drifts caused by temperature changes,etc.? ‘’ The only way was to use complicated expensive modules. We knew this was not to ideal solution and innovation was necessary.

Another first for the nucleus ! The DSS-100 is a single card which plugs into an IBM-PC or compatible and provides complete system gain stabilization when used with the nucleus personal computer analyzer.

Monday, May 26, 2008


Up to now, our highly successful PCA card has created a memory limitation of 512k maximum when used with the Advanced Technology personal computers. This shortcoming was due to pca hardware limitations and memory map conflicts within the computer itself. Now we are pleased to announce the advanced technology personal computer analyzer designed exclusively fort he new AT machines.

Note: Because of the larger board size, the PCA-AT will not fit into a Standard PC or XT computer. Fort these machines the original PCA card is still your best choice,and they may be run with their maximum memory of 640 kb including EGA color graphics.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


For some time, we have received requests from our customers asking for the ability to interface our PCA cards with their external ADC’s. We are pleased to announce that we have that option ready for you. Our PCA-II Universal ADC interface card is designed to connect most commercially available analog to digital converters (ADC) to the PC based analyzers (PCA-II) using only a single slot in your computer.

This high performance, low cost unit is attachable to the Nucleus PCA-II card and is just the answer to those in need of the power of an external ADC along with the versatitility of our PCA-II analyzer software.

While the control, timer and memory of the PCA-II are retained, the Universal ADC interface can be used on a variety of commercially available ADC’s.


PCA-II/ Programmer’s Tool kit is a software package which allows the user to write custom MCA operations. The Toolkit contains numerous source code listings (mostly in ‘C’ language) that show how to do many fundamental aspects of writing MCA style programs. Some programming skills are required. Consists of a software disk and reference guide.